Samuel O’Toole – Next Door Studios (Rise and Shine)
Samuel O’Toole is wiped out from a night of partying, ass out and passed out. Vance Crawford has come by to see how he’s recovering...
Samuel O’Toole is wiped out from a night of partying, ass out and passed out. Vance Crawford has come by to see how he’s recovering...
Samuel O’Toole is killing time on a lazy Saturday. He had intentions on taking the ATV out and exploring, but as at the first clearing...
They say no man is quick enough to catch a fox. Well whoever said that never met Samuel O’Toole. Sammy was minding his own business,...
Adam Wirthmore is disturbed. A maniacal, chain-clad dungeon keeper with a taste for damp flesh, he’s captured a hunky new plaything by the name of...
After a wild night of sexual debauchery, Samuel O’Toole has awaken a little groggy and sort of unsure of exactly what transpired the night before....
Well the sun is setting and it’s party time. You know the routine: a few friends, good food, some drinking, maybe the random quickie down...
Parker Perry is starting trouble. While Samuel O’Toole casually surveys a scenic rural sunset, Parker decides to play a pretty wet trick on him, splashing...
It’s a chilly afternoon and Samuel O’Toole is getting cozy next to a roaring fire. He’s just returned from a motorcycle ride in brisk mountain...
It’s a school night and diligent Samuel O’Toole is studying hard. He’s in the middle of reviewing his class notes when Gavin Waters comes a...
It was Brandon Lewis’s idea to play pool that day. He knew his ol’ pal Samuel O’Toole was housesitting for the family at the end...