Marcus Mojo – Next Door Studios (Birthday Cock)
Marcus trains hard and it shows. He’s in the gym today with his pal Brad Star, showing him some sweet martial arts techniques Brad can use on the street when shit goes down or just on his own for conditioning. They’re hitting the bag a little and even goofing around. As Marcus will tell you, the best way to stay in shape is to train in good spirits, with a smile on your face and a laugh in your belly. Today Marcus is in an especially good mood – it’s his birthday!Brad can’t wait to party with Marcus in celebration, but first he wants to give him a present. I’ll bet you can’t guess what it is. It’s long, thick, hard, and juicy. Spoiler alert – it’s Brad’s cock! When Brad sticks it through the hole that is serendipitously in wall of the bathroom stall, Marcus grins from ear to ear before sucking it like the dick loving hunk he is. Marcus is happy to get such a great gift, but that’s not all Brad has in mind. He’s gonna fuck Marcus like every birthday boy deserves! Enjoy!
Download Marcus Mojo in ‘Birthday Cock’Download Marcus Mojo in ‘Birthday Cock’