Troy Sparks”The Tank”Ht: 5’10″Wt: 170lbsSeason W/L Record (1-2)Doug Acre”The Destroyer”Ht: 5’6″Wt: 150lbsSeason W/L Record (6-0) After a 6-0 winning spree, Doug “The Destroyer” Acre is welcomed back onto the NK mat. His opponent this bout is Troy “The Tank” Sparks. The Tank is looking to tarnish Destroyer’s perfect record and give him a taste of his own medicine by showing him what it’s like to be the bottom bitch. The Destroyer plans on making The Tank eat his own words and add another notch to his undefeated record. Will The Tank go down in NK history as the first man to single handily take down The Destroyer? Or will Destroyer’s reign of terror continue as another kombatant lies in his wake?Download Doug Acre’s full scene from Kink by clicking hereDownload Doug Acre’s full scene from Kink by clicking here