Felix LeJour - LeJOUR de JOUR (Next Door Male)

Felix LeJour is working it out at the gym. Working out the arms, the legs, the back and the chest. Seems he only has one area left to hit. You guessed it. His neglected cock. So he takes it out and begins to seriously pump some weight. Before you know it, the blood is flowing and the main vein is throbbing, and Felix is working it all out and leaving no area unattended.Enjoy!

Felix LeJour - LeJOUR de JOUR | Picture (48)

Video from Felix LeJour in Next Door Studios (LeJOUR de JOUR)

Pictures from Felix LeJour in Next Door Studios (LeJOUR de JOUR)
Felix LeJour - LeJOUR de JOUR | Picture (1)
Felix LeJour - LeJOUR de JOUR | Picture (4)
Felix LeJour - LeJOUR de JOUR | Picture (8)
Felix LeJour - LeJOUR de JOUR | Picture (12)
Felix LeJour - LeJOUR de JOUR | Picture (16)
Felix LeJour - LeJOUR de JOUR | Picture (20)
Felix LeJour - LeJOUR de JOUR | Picture (24)
Felix LeJour - LeJOUR de JOUR | Picture (28)
Felix LeJour - LeJOUR de JOUR | Picture (32)
Felix LeJour - LeJOUR de JOUR | Picture (36)
Felix LeJour - LeJOUR de JOUR | Picture (40)
Felix LeJour - LeJOUR de JOUR | Picture (44)
Felix LeJour - LeJOUR de JOUR | Picture (48)
Felix LeJour - LeJOUR de JOUR | Picture (52)
Felix LeJour - LeJOUR de JOUR | Picture (55)
Felix LeJour - LeJOUR de JOUR | Picture (60)