Leo Winston is a sharp-jawed, soft-spoken kind of guy, with a bit of shy streak that takes a little initial uncovering. Once he opens up, this Montana bred hunk reveals a thoughtful perspective and a nice, big cock to back it up. An avid outdoorsman, we catch up with Leo out on the porch, about to take a dip in the jacuzzi underneath the bright light of the midday sun. Peeled down to his skin tight swim-trunks, Leo’s body glistens in the light, as he rubs his hands across his stomach and feels the jets pulsating down his back. Stepping out, dripping wet, Leo towels off and makes his way inside, where he reclines on a chaise lounge, un-fastening his towel and letting it all hang out. Spitting into his hand, he works his cock up into its full and ready upright position, fondling his balls and waving his thick cock around like a helicopter, standing up as he runs his hands down his backside, squeezing his ass and giving it a smack for good measure, before assuming his original postion- legs spread, eyes closed, cock in hand- as he shoots off his afternoon load and reclines in the lounge to nap it off until nighttime.Enjoy!
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